What we do

We offer transport, befriending and assistance with daily tasks such as shopping, collecting prescriptions, dog walking and house minding for those in the Moreton Health Centre area who, through age, disability, hospitalisation, or short term illness are unable to manage.  We are all volunteers.

We do this is various ways:

Befriending is the simple act of giving time to someone who needs support and companionship. Befrienders willingly offer their time to others, not for payment but  equally to enjoy companionship.

what2Transport to medical, dental or other appointments at the surgery, hub or local hospitals, and sometimes to the shops in Moreton. Volunteer drivers use their own cars and reclaim mileage.  The rôle of the driver is to enable Morecare to provide sympathetic, low cost, (or free), transport to and from medical appointments and for some other journeys, for example visiting a sick relative.  Many clients are elderly, frail and ill and may need to be helped or to be accompanied by a friend, relative or carer.